Dog and Cat Boarding & Grooming for Cumming - North Fulton - Canton : 678-455-9199

20 Foods Dogs Can’t Eat, And 13 Foods Safe For Your Pup!

Dr. Chris Roth, DVM Human foods can be your dog’s best friend—or his worst enemy. Some of the most common household foods can actually make your dog very ill. Many are toxic! But other human foods are perfectly safe and even healthy for your dog to eat. Nonetheless,...

Why Sugary Candy is Dangerous to Dogs

Did you know that Feb. 15 is National Gumdrop Day? While you may be wondering what gumdrops and toxicology have in common, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center toxicologists warn that gumdrops are not as innocent as they may look.With the ingestion of gumdrops (or any...

Ringing In The New Year Safely With Your Pet

by Dr. Fiona Lee, DVMAs the year comes to an end, there are certainly going to be celebrations in hopes for a better new year. While your dog may have liked having you home more frequently due to quarantine and social distancing restrictions, it seems like most people...