by Liz Donovan Congratulations on making the exciting decision to bring a puppy or dog into your home. Whether your new addition will be your first dog or another in a long line of family pets and whether you’re looking for a new purebred puppy or an older rescue dog,...
by Mark AsherAdopting a dog that’s a good fit for you and your lifestyle takes patience, thoughtfulness, and planning. But before that, you need to make sure you have the time to commit to a dog. Being a dog owner might look fun and easy but adding a new member to...
Thinking of adding a pet to your family? Here are ten reasons to adopt your new best friend. 1. Because you’ll save a life. Each year, it’s estimated that more than one million adoptable dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States, simply because too...
By April Metroulas Fostering a dog can be a very gratifying experience for the right family. The feeling that you have helped a disadvantaged or needy animal is a wonderful sensation. Some families foster many dogs regularly, while others foster just once in a while,...