Dog and Cat Boarding & Grooming for Cumming - North Fulton - Canton : 678-455-9199

Can Pets Suffer from Anxiety?

Many people suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives. Fortunately for humans, there are resources and tools readily available to help us decrease our anxieties. But what about our four-legged counterparts? Do they feel anxiety too? And if so, how can we best...

Dealing With Nippy Dogs: Why Dogs Nip And How To Correct It

by Dr. Chris Roth, DVM Dogs use their mouths as tools, crunching on kibble, gnawing on bones, tearing up squeaky toys and fetching sticks. It’s also common for overexcited puppies or friendly adult pooches to mouth your hand—but nipping has the potential to cause...

Dog Zoomies: Why They Happen and What to Do

by Sassafras Lowery Dog zoomies are what they sound like. It’s hard not to smile when you see a joyful dog running wildly around your house or yard, zipping back and forth for a few moments before collapsing after a case of what most of us call the “zoomies.” Dog...

Back to School Blues – Treating Pets with Separation Anxiety

Is your pet having difficulty adjusting to the new fall schedule? Maybe he’s eyeing you with panic as you get ready to leave the house? Separation anxiety isn’t only relegated to pets who’ve had a difficult background. It can also affect them when there’s a big change...

How to Introduce Your Dog to a New Dog

By Erin Rakosky, DVMDogs are social animals and most enjoy the company of others. Just like humans, some dogs have more outgoing personalities, and others are more reserved. Whether you just brought home a new puppy and are introducing him to an existing dog or you...

How to Help a Dog With Separation Anxiety

It’s a heartbreaking scene; after a short time away from your house, you return to a dog that’s wet from drool, trembling and wide-eyed with fear. There’s a mess by the door, and the TV remote and couch cushions are chewed to bits.It’s clear that you’re dealing with...