Dog and Cat Boarding & Grooming for Cumming - North Fulton - Canton : 678-455-9199

Valentine’s Day Safety Tips

Each year our experts at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) see a rise in cases around February 14, many involving chocolate or lilies. Valentine’s Day can be as much fun for pets as it is for humans—as long as dangerous items are kept out of paws’...

Keeping Pets Safe during Winter: The Dangers of Ice Melts

It’s cold outside! For many of us in the United States, the winter months mean snow and ice. Whether the snow has you dreaming of making snow angels or wishing you were at the beach, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) has a few tips you should keep in mind...

10 Expert Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe This Winter

Pull out those winter coats and bundle up — winter is here! For many of our furry friends living in the cooler parts of the country, it’s the best time of year with lots of frolicking in the snow with no hot summer sun in sight. Though they, and many of us pet...

How to keep your pets calm during New Year’s Eve fireworks

by Jennifer Borrese and Clare MulroyDazzling lights, champagne toasts, watching the ball drop – what better way to celebrate the start of 2025 than by watching New Year’s Eve fireworks light up the skies?Fireworks may be an exciting spectacle for us humans, but...

Holiday Safety Tips

The holiday season is upon us, and many pet parents plan to include their furry companions in the festivities. As you gear up for the holidays, it is important to remember to keep your pet’s safety top of mind. For whichever holiday you may be celebrating, the ASPCA...

7 Common Health Problems in Senior Cats

by Fiona TappReviewed by Dr. Fiona LeeWhether you’ve had your senior cat since they were a kitten or you’ve adopted an older kitty in their sunset years, there’s no denying that as cats age, their health needs change significantly.Senior cats are...