Dr. Marty BeckerI love summer with my dogs. We go hiking, we fish at the lake and we share quality time around the fire pit. I bet you enjoy doing a lot of the same things with your dogs.But summer can also be a nightmare for pet owners, with bee stings and bug bites,...
How to keep animals cool when temperatures soar.The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It’s difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, let alone thick humidity, but things really get tough in areas that are hit...
By Anna Burke Most dog owners know that you can’t leave a pet in a hot car. Temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in just minutes, putting your dog at risk of heat stroke. But what if you open a window a little bit? Does that make it safe to leave your dog in the...
As we humans escape into our homes that are air conditioned or cooled with fans we wonder why our dogs might be acting sluggish or begging to get back inside. Have you ever noticed dogs who refuse to walk at an event and just plops himself down? Paws scorching on the...
By Mary Jo DiLonardo Summer can mean lots of fun outside with your dog. But when the temps soar, take steps to protect your pet. Whether you take him for a walk down the street, a ride in the car, or just out in the yard to play, the heat can be hard on him....