Better care means dogs and cats are living longer now than they ever have before—and, as pets get older, they need extra care and attention. It’s important to remember that age is not a disease. Although senior pets may develop age-related problems, you can help...
by Dr. Jerry Klein, CVOThe overwhelming joy of having pets is unfortunately accompanied by the inevitable sadness that comes with ending their lives. As humans, we must be witness to the death of our family member, our pet. And unlike the movies, rarely is it that...
Posted on March 4, 2019 under Pet Health & Safety It’s always important to bring your pets to the veterinarian annually to be examined, and even more important for senior pets. But when should you consider making that appointment a little earlier? Being able to...
It began subtly. You noticed some gray fur on the snout of your black lab. Your once spry playmate stopped jumping after his tennis ball. And your formerly vigorous walks with him turned into leisurely strolls. Then your vet said a word you hadn’t heard before:...