Dog and Cat Boarding & Grooming for Cumming - North Fulton - Canton : 678-455-9199

Cold Weather Safety Tips

Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin, but these aren’t the only discomforts pets can suffer. Winter walks can become downright dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off of...

How to Keep Your Thanksgiving Pet-Safe!

Let’s face it, though we love seeing friends and family and eating delicious meals, Thanksgiving can be a pretty hectic day for those who celebrate. Whether you’re making last minute trips to the grocery store, trying to fit everything in the oven or sitting in...

10 Expert Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe This Winter

Pull out those winter coats and bundle up—winter is here! For many of our furry friends living in the cooler parts of the country, it’s the best time of year with lots of frolicking in the snow with no hot summer sun in sight. Though they, and many of us pet parents,...

Halloween safety tips for pets

Some pets love the hustle and bustle of Halloween, while others will find this spooky holiday a bit stressful. We recognize that animals are individuals, so while you while enjoy the festivities, consider it from your pet’s perspective: A dog’s natural instinct is to...

The Psychological and Physical Benefits of Having a Pet

by Louise B. Miller, PhDPets are an essential part of our psychological toolkit and a great source of comfort. The experience of spending time with an animal is beneficial in the context of your overall health and well-being.Petting, holding, or cuddling an animal...

Preparing Dogs for Back-to-School Time

by Barbara BalfourBack-to-school time means people will be out of the house more often. With most kids going back physically to school, schedule changes can be stressful for dogs. The sudden switch from long summer days of playing with the kids to living in an empty...